Out of stock  - Inducstion Crucible F2 Ex
Out of stock  - Induction Crucible F6 Ex
Out of stock  - Super X Induction Crucible F3 EX
%20  - Super X Induction Crucible F4 EX
%20  - Super X Induction Crucible F5 EX
%20  - Super X Induction Crucible F6 EX
%20  - Super X Induction Crucible F9 EX
Out of stock  - Bor Nitride Spray
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Induction Crucibles Types and Prices

Instead of whether you're looking for online shopping or want a simple and hassle-free experience. Finding the best deals in injection crucible, you can visit Alex Machine and get great discounts with free shipping.

What is an Induction Crucible?

An induction crucible is a type of electrical furnace in which heat is applied by the use of electromagnetic induction heating of metal. Induction crucible heating furnaces are basic ovens lined with refractory ramming compounds and surrounded by an induction coil that is water-cooled to ensure even heating throughout the oven. The lining acts as a crucible in which the metal is heated up. When the magnetic field interacts with electrical currents, electromagnetic forces are created that raise the bath's temperature and agitate the cast metal. The greater the agitation, the lower the frequency, resulting in a more consistent bath. These furnaces are commonly found in steel and iron mills, but they can also melt nonferrous metals. Precious metals are typically cast in medium-frequency graphite crucible induction furnaces. For custom casting applications, the crucible and inductor can also be put in a vacuum chamber.

How to use the Induction Crucible?

Induction crucibles are containers that can resist extremely high temperatures and hold metals, glass, and pigments while being heated in a crucible to melt. The workshop crucibles used in metal casting operations are made to resist the relatively high temperatures reached during the process. The crucible should be constructed mostly of materials with a melting point that is significantly higher than the melting point of the materials to be melted. The crucible materials should also be strong, even when subjected to tremendous heat. 

Instructions for Use

  • Never use a cold metal, such as aluminum, to fill the crucibles since there is a high likelihood that the metal will expand and fracture the container during the reaction.
  • Before using the crucibles, it is necessary to "tempered" them. Heat the empty crucible to a temperature of around 500 degrees Fahrenheit and maintain it there for 20 minutes. Then bring the crucible up to a red-hot temperature.
  • Remove the induction crucible from the fire and allow it to cool gradually. This technique removes any moisture that may have accumulated in the crucible.
  • Cracks in crucibles should be thoroughly checked before use in any given application. New crucibles should be used to replace the shattered ones.
  • Once your work is complete, you'll need to know how to properly clean and maintain crucibles so they may be reused.

Types of Induction Crucible

There are multiple types of induction crucibles available and a wide variety of non-ferrous metal alloys. As a result of its great degree of control over temperature and chemistry, the induction crucible is perfect for re-melting and alloying processes.

The induction current ensures that the melt is circulated properly. 

1.   Inducstion Crucuible F3 Ex

2.   Inducstion Crucuible F4 Ex

3.   Induction Crucuible F5 Ex

4.   Induction Crucuible F6 Ex

5.   Induction Crucuible F9 Ex

6.   Induction Crucuible F12 Ex

7.   Induction Crucuible F5 Flat

8.   Induction Crucuible F6 Flat

9.   Induction Crucuible F9 Flat

10.  Induction Crucuible F12 Flat

11.  Induction Crucuible F5/3

12.  Ceramic F9 Extra

Do you require additional assistance in finding the most popular induction crucible? With just one little click, you'll get the most popular induction crucible on the Alex machine! It's quite simple and takes only a few seconds to find what you're looking for. Read the real customer reviews published by other consumers to gain additional information to help you make an informed decision. These evaluations will assist you in finding the best induction crucible for your needs, no matter what your budget is. They cover a wide selection of excellent products as well as more affordable choices.

Induction Crucible Prices

The induction crucible is an essential piece of jeweler equipment, but it's also quite pricey. How much does it cost to buy an induction crucible online? Alex Machine, the most popular Turkish website, has always offered a wide range of products from around the world. Explore the best online shopping experience today. When you shop for an induction crucible online, you have the choice of selecting from a large range of products and options, ensuring that you get all you need and even more. We guarantee free shipping, special discounts, and complete validity for you.

For further information, including pricing, click here or contact one of our sales representatives. We'll let you in on a little secret if you're a new user. Before you complete your purchase, take a moment to look for induction crucible discount offers to help you save even more money. You can find various deals, ranging from new user discounts to store special offers, by exploring the Alex machine or by engaging in exciting activities.

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