Out of stock  - LS300 Middle Filter
Out of stock  - LS200 2 in 1 Filter (Medium & Main)
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Laser Machine Accessories | Clamps Vacuums and Much More

We give your laser machine a variety of clamps, vacuum, and laser machine accessories. Our sales team is pleased to talk about your requirements to determine which extras can help you best. If necessary, we can also customize our laser machines.

Laser Machine Accessories

Laser machine accessories are incredibly different devices capable of performing a wide range of tasks and functions. Most people get out of their laser accessories, out of their boxes, never even think of all the laser accessories that can make their machine and projects more worthwhile.

11 laser machine accessories will enhance the experience of your laser machine.Check out our best laser machine accessories:

  1. 1.XY Clamp
  2. 2.Automatic Drag and Clamp Unit
  3. 3.Automatic Bracelet Plate
  4. 4.R Axis Rotation System
  5. 5.Camera
  6. 6.Laser Dust Aspirator Standart
  7. 7.Laser Dust Aspirator Professional
  8. 8.Laser Pre Filter
  9. 9.Laser Vacuum Filter
  10. 10.Pre Filter Standart
  11. 11.Laser Jack


Laser clamp is a technology that slices materials using a laser. Laser clamps are most widely used to monitor the output of a powerful laser by optics.

Laser optics and CNC (number control computer) are used for directing the produced material or laser beam.Check out our best leaser clamps selections.


Laser filters are used for rejecting wavelengths or wavelengths for a variety of laser applications when sending desired wavelengths.

Laser filters are designed to reflect a wavelength range using various substrates, lacquers or combinations, to allow the transmission of all other material.The laser filters package exports each laser filter individually as a plugin.Check out our best laser filter selection.


Laser aspirators are designed for extracting fine dust and recovering precious metals during the engraving and cutting process. Dust removal is a critical component as it is necessary for both reactor operation and safety. Due to erosion processes during fluid wall interactions, particles are produced from CFC tiles, Tungsten, and Beryllium walls. The ability of laser technique to extract carbon particles from tungsten surface.Check out our best laser aspirators selection.

Buying Tips for Your Demand

Here we listed are 4 buying tips for your demand. Before place the order for laser machine accessories, you must consider the following things:

1)   Focus on key application: laser or cutting tools

How many other applications a machine can perform are easy to seduce? A strong all-rounder is almost everywhere a compromised unit. Just because a machine can cut and grave doesn't mean it can do all functions very well. Machines designed for a particular purpose will often perform the core application better, so a laser cutter will cut better than a laser engraver and vice versa.

2)   How many parts are created every hour?

Production speed is essential since your business volume is low right now. Alex Machinewould allow you to lower your purchase price while simultaneously raising your margin, and you can deliver faster. These three elements are vital to your competitiveness, winning, and rising laser gravure market.

3)   Consider the technology before considering the brand.

We also see entire shops equipped with rows of the same laser machine accessories where purchasers placed orders based on 'we're still brand X.' While a brand can supply a suitable machine for the job, brand loyalty certainly has many advantages; technology performance should be a priority.

4)   Buy from a well-reputed supplier with application expertise and the accessories they offer.

Most laser machine accessories providers will claim to understand the device they offer, but this can never be taken for granted. Until purchasing, force the salesperson to test their product awareness, how it works, and their application knowledge. Don't settle for a default demo tested by the supplier.


1.  What are laser machines?

Laser cutting machines are a tool for cutting metal and project production in a wide variety of industries. The laser cutting machine produces a highly powerful laser beam for clean cutting or grafting a particular design on wood, steel, or plastic products.

2.  What does a laser machine do?

Laser cutting primarily focuseson the output of an extremely powerful laser through the optic. The focused laser beam passes through the material, then fires dampen, or gets sprinkled with a gas jet, leaving a high-quality surface finish.

3.  What are the two main components of a laser engraver?

There are three major components to a laser graving machine: a laser, a controller, and a surface. A laser is a drawing tool: it emits a beam that can detect patterns on the controller's surface.

4.   What is the role of the laser marking machine?

The laser marking process operates with a directed light beam to scratch the material's surface as the beam interacts with the material's body. It changes the properties and appearance of the material. The laser marking is suitable for applications where accuracy and permanence are essential for performance.


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